Our Story

GrandMastersRxPro was founded with a clear vision:

Ed and Sam Farina, both seasoned professionals in the fitness and health sectors, recognized a significant gap in the market. While traditional gyms and fitness programs often cater to the general population, there was a pressing need for tailored fitness solutions catering to seniors. Additionally, rehabilitation providers have traditionally relied on overly conservative protocols that are ineffective for today’s deconditioned senior population. Combining their expertise, they created GrandMastersRxPro to fill this gap and provide education to therapists and fitness professionals with a goal of growing both industries’ providers of outcome-driven patient care and top-notch fitness programs catering to older adults’ unique requirements.

Over the years, Ed realized that seniors weren’t just being “under-dosed” in fitness—they were in healthcare too. With GrandMastersRxPro methods, he got better results and happier patients than with the usual protocols and treatment plans

Enter GrandMastersRxPro!

Married couple and business partners Sam and Ed Farina founded GrandMastersRxPro to provide continuing education, business growth strategies, and clinical/fitness program skills that illuminate the blind spots in how older adults’ abilities and potential are currently viewed in the rehabilitation and fitness industries.

Combining 70 years of niche-specific experience in physical therapy, geriatric fitness, and wellness, the duo is passionate about passing on their expertise to other health and fitness practitioners. Dedicated to maintaining a high level of patient/client care, and empathy, Sam and Ed strive to foster a positive environment that inspires compliance and lasting success.

As a team, a sincere LOVE for our work, clients, and colleagues fuels our tireless efforts to help seniors achieve a better quality of life in their Golden Years. By sharing our profound insights and educating like-minded health and fitness professionals, we aim to create a legacy that redefines aging and inspires future generations to longer, healthier lives.”
Sam & Ed


With 40 years as a Physical Therapist and 30 years of experience owning and operating outpatient rehabilitation clinics in the state of Florida, Ed excels in orthopedics and cutting-edge research. He has extensive experience in educating professionals domestically and internationally and was once commissioned by the US Government to lecture on advances in knee rehabilitation in Japan. He has co-authored four osteoarthritis research papers in peer-reviewed journals and currently, he runs a “lab” (somewhat of a pun – a functional fitness gym catering exclusively to seniors) that provides the basis for GrandMastersRxPro methods and program.

Ed is highly credentialed as both a physical therapist and a “coach”. He has over a decade of experience treating and training seniors aged 50 to 90 and has owned two CrossFit affiliates in the past 13 years. There are more than 100 members at his current gym that caters solely to seniors.


Ed is a professional speaker on the topics of knee rehabilitation, senior fitness, motivation on all things health related and of course, senior fitness.



Sam holds a BA in Holistic Health & Wellness and an MA in Healthcare Marketing, is an ACSM Certified Personal Trainer, a CrossFit Coach, and holds various specialty training certifications.

She has almost 20 years of experience in healthcare operations and management.

Throughout her most recent decade of co-owning and operating two CrossFit affiliates with her husband, she has amassed significant expertise in addressing the diverse health and wellness needs of senior clients.


Our Approach

At GrandmastersRx – the gym – we believe in a holistic approach to senior fitness. Our program is designed to address not just the physical aspects of physical improvement, but also mental and emotional well-being. We focus on functional movements that improve everyday activities, enhance mobility, as well as prevent injuries. In patient care we see that industry standards for “seniors” isn’t enough and a comprehensive plan of care takes into account true functional limitations and creative approaches to returning seniors to full function by enhancing compliance and “buy in”.

What we can teach coaches, trainers and gym owners will improve their skill and how to better relate to seniors in a functional fitness environment. This will result in growth of their seniors program, enhanced skill for and relatability to their senior athletes, and will also add both depth and value to their program and gym.

What we can teach rehabilitation professionals about their aging patients will not only improve outcomes but enhance patient satisfaction and impress referral sources.


In our gym:

Expert Instructors

We boast a seven-year retention rate, significantly higher than the industry average of 7.8 months.

Injury Rate:
Our injury rate is exceptionally low at .07 injuries per 1,000 hours of training compared to the general fitness industry average of 3.1 injuries per 1,000 hours of training.
Client Satisfaction:

Our clients are highly satisfied with our programs and often refer friends and family to join our community. In 14 years we haven’t spent a dime on marketing or ads. Our members grow our business through word of mouth due to our high satisfaction rate. Over 100 athletes with a waiting list of 20+ is a testament to the popularity of GrandMastersRxPro!

Our Mission and Vision

Our gym’s mission is to improve the lives of seniors through fitness. We envision a world where every older adult can access fitness programs that enhance their quality of life, promote independence, and foster a sense of community. We are committed to leading this transformation by providing exceptional fitness programs and sharing our successful model with other fitness and rehabilitation professionals through GrandMastersRxPro. Continuing education,

mentorship, and hands-on experience with our senior population offer practical learning that makes an immediate difference when applied.

Join Us

We invite physical therapists, gym owners, personal trainers, and fitness enthusiasts to join us in this mission. By adopting the GrandMastersRxPro model, you can unlock new revenue streams, improve client retention, and make a meaningful impact on the lives of older adults.

Explore our workshops and online courses to learn more about how you can transform your rehabilitation and fitness businesses and become a leader in your industry.

For more information, visit our website or contact us directly. Together, let’s make a difference in the lives of seniors and set new industry standards.